Our extensive product range contains the ideal instruments for almost any clinical application. This enables users to work efficiently on a medical, technical, and economic basis. Development and manufacturing of our dental instruments follow the strictest quality standards and are subject to the highest certification processes.
The instruments’ technical specifications in terms of cutting geometries, crosscuts and diamond coatings are strictly driven by the application needs and material, thereby reducing the frequency of instrument changeover. We outperform on quality by using superior raw materials and conduct above-average quality management processes. We are confident that this will help you deliver outstanding results.

Diaswiss diamond instruments are uniquely manufactured with an extremely homogeneous and dense diamond coating, resulting in outstanding durability. Specially selected all-natural diamonds further ensure a superb cutting efficiency as well as a fast, efficient, and patient-friendly treatment.

Diaswiss Diacarb carbide burs are a winning solution for all clinical applications. The burs are characterised by an outstanding cutting efficiency, true running accuracy, and longevity enabling optimum results. Our extensive range of shapes and cutting geometries limits instrument changeover, thereby saving time and money.

The Diaswiss polisher range comprises instruments for all polishing requirements. The tools are manufactured with the latest production techniques and carefully selected polishing materials including different abrasive grains. These tools facilitate fast and efficient work and deliver superb polishing results in terms of surface quality and shine. The selected geometries cover all relevant applications.

Diaswiss offers a range of surgical instruments made of different materials including stainless steel, diamond, carbide and zirconia. This includes a selection of standard bone cutters as well as more innovative designs such as Surgicut, a precision tissue trimmer which reduces bleeding due to its heated tip.

The Diaswiss range of endodontic instruments consists of Hedstroem files, K-files, reamers, spring paste fillers and other instruments available in all standard diameters and lengths. These Diaswiss instruments are made of stainless steel and come in packages of 12, 6 or 4 pcs.

A variety of sets are available to offer convenient sequencinge of instruments required to perform specific treatments.
Catalogue (PDF)